The Western Summer Collection | Lipstick, Lead, & Gossip

The Western Summer Collection | Lipstick, Lead, & Gossip

By Kileen Myers | Pretty Little Art Shop


Pourin’ Out the Whiskey and Settin’ the Record Straight


I never get excited when summer arrives each year. I dislike the heat, the beach, and the tacky flamingo beach aesthetic that stores promote in their decor. This year, I wanted to embrace the summer season with a trendy style that doesn't involve anything beach-related, instead of waiting for fall.


As I was brainstorming ideas, I was inspired to create a theme centered around the adventurous and rugged Wild West. I envisioned incorporating elements such as vintage cowgirls, cactuses, and perhaps even a "wanted" poster. But then I had something else in mind...

Throwin' in a dash of extra Whiskey


I didn't think I would be able to incorporate anything else into the theme of the collection within the time frame I had. I am at a very low and sad phase in my life, so I wanted to keep it simple. As I was designing a wanted poster for the collection, I started thinking about how funny it would be to make the crimes something that is currently an unspoken judgment of women for having simple expectations. Inspired by actual judgements made about me for encouraging women to have high standards in life and not accept the bare minimum. For example, "Crime committed: Put herself first" or "Crime committed: ghosted a man who acted uninterested." As I was in the creative flow, I felt it was the perfect way to connect the idea of "Outlaws" to women with (what I would define as) appropriate standards. It was a way for me to poke fun at how women are seen as "red flags" or "toxic" for knowing their worth. 


Of course, It is not only about men but if I want to include that area of "times I don't care if I'm seen as the b*itch" I want to make sure that while doing so, I don't group all men as "terrible". It would be a great opportunity for me to highlight a clear distinction between a real man vs an insecure "mama's boy".  - I mean, might as well right? If someone is going to be naggin' and complainin' around these parts it's gonna be me..... and proud of it. 



Although I am naturally strong and confident with what I know I deserve, through exposure to today's social media and social norms, I see how common it is for women to be shamed for having expectations.  So I could see how easy it is for women to maybe not have that strong foundational mindset just yet. I felt that it's not that there is a lack of sources that express this, but more of, not enough repetition to promote this mindset. Not enough reminders for women to stand up for what they are looking for in a relationship or in life without feeling like an outlaw with "unreasonable" expectations. 


"Oldest Daughters Are Some of The Toughest Men You'll Meet"


Also, with tapping into the Wild West collection to draw focus to being firm with your boundaries, I also wanted to highlight my love for the frontier femme fatale persona. I adore characters in films who don't take anyone's sh*t. I wanted to tie in general inspiration and acknowledge women who are being dragged through hell trying to make their life work out all on their own while still putting themselves first, no matter how hard life gets.




So that is that!

Now you know what inspired this collection! From wanting to release vintage western art to also wanting to use this as a chance to tie in the reminder to stand your ground with what you want out of life. I'm excited to finally release the illustrations, paint kits, and prints for this western theme! I hope to inspire many people and remind women who are on their own that hitting "rock bottom" is a normal part of the journey to building the life you deserve!


Until next time, partners!

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