Down The Rabbit Hole Collection

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.

“I don’t much care where—” said Alice.

“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

“—so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation.

“Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.” (Chapter 6, Pig and Pepper; Alice in Wonderland)


About The Collection

I recently felt inspired to create a collection based on the story "Alice in Wonderland." It's the perfect way to capture that moment when you are more excited to leave a phase of life that no longer serves you, rather than play it safe and stay in a situation that is the "responsible, how everyone has done it" type of predicament. It's about realizing that it's not just about getting what you think you need, but being in the place, job, and environment that you truly want.

My Take On The Underlying Meaning

After rewatching Tim Burton's adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, I had a moment of insight that hasn't been fully understood yet. I realized that Alice in Wonderland isn't just a story about a girl falling down a rabbit hole...I know, right?


Stay with me, because I know I may be too smart to keep up with here, but what if I told you the story was about the idea of going against what everyone else in your reality tells you to do and doing what YOU want instead? It's better to feel lost in life than to feel like you are in a never-ending cycle.


All jokes aside, I started to feel that the rabbit represented spirit guides in a sense. It also encapsulates the ideas that you are starting to become exposed to, such as the concept of "limiting beliefs." This concept covers more than just the idea that "you hold yourself back," but also delves deeper into the understanding that we are never meant to struggle in reality, and everything you thought you knew is not even close to all that is possible for you.

Out The Rat Race & Down The Rabbit Hole 

If you have ever had to repeat a cycle for more than a month, you understand how that feeling starts to become overwhelming, especially when you are learning to balance everything in the "now" and overworking yourself in fear of making sure you are prepared for the future.


But the more days you go by you ask yourself the scary question "What is this worth anymore". It's scary because the worst we could fear is feeling like we are giving up on something that took so much effort and we will start to lack discipline and throw away all that dedication. But what if it's okay to decide that you no longer want to maintain things in your life that don't currently serve your best interest anymore.


It's not giving up, it's just redirecting your energy and passion.


Dont Drink The Potion, or Do….

In my perspective, "falling down the rabbit hole" can be seen as the moment when you realize that you have the freedom to experience whatever you want. What's the point of having this freedom if we never actually use it, right? The more you start to question your daily routines, your beliefs, and the expectations placed on you, the deeper down this "rabbit hole" you go. You start chasing something that's only catching your attention, making you feel like you're going crazy. But because you're hungry for something new and exciting, you start to believe in these delusions and chase the signs and guides that are trying to lead you to a more fulfilling life.


Discover what excites you and pursue it! Follow the rabbit into Wonderland and indulge in the forbidden pleasures of the delightful treats that this whimsical land has to offer! That's what this collection is all about!

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